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Re: (ASCEND) Ascend Max 4004 & Series56 Digital Modem Remote Gateway Probs

What routing protocol are you using to announce your routes upstream? 
It probably would be helpful if you gave the output of a show ip ro from 
the terminal server prompt.

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations / Network Access
Erols Internet (An RCN Company)

On Mon, 15 Jun 1998, Robert G.  wrote:

> Hello, I have an Ascend MAX 4004 which we use to route our dedicated ISDN
> customers.  Recently, we bought a 12-modem Series56 Digital modem card so
> we could use the remaining channels on the PRI for employees that use
> analog modems at home.  We installed the card and upgraded the software to
> 6.1.0.  Then we configured the modems and an IP address pool and I setup a
> profile for myself that will give me a static IP address when I dial.  All
> is fine so far, users can dial, the unit detects ISDN or analog, and the
> call initializes.  However, after login, and the dialup networking screen
> goes away, the user can only ping and use the
> MAX unit, the rest of our network and the Internet do not respond.  The
> MAX can use the network just fine and can reach the customer and the
> Internet in the normal fashion, the ISDN customers don't have a
> problem either, but the analog users can't access anything but the MAX
> unit.  I have never seen something like this, and I can't seem to find any
> settings that would be causing this problem.  Does anyone know what could
> be using this problem?
> Any insight into the matter is apperciated.
> Robert Gash,
> Systems Administrator
> Cybermax, Inc.
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