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Re: (ASCEND) Monitoring Bandwidth Usage on P50

Hi Shaun,
One program that has worked well for us is Net Medic, http://www.vital - the program shows throughput, # of hops to a site and also shows
the relative health of the site you are connecting to, your ISP and your
Another program is AnySpeed, this program lets you put
in an URL,  IP address or network resource (hard drive) and will show the
read/write or ping speed of a connection. You can let AnySpeed run all day
or days and it will keep a trends graph. You can specify the test interval.
 Both of these solutions work from Win95 and approach the measurement from
the end user standpoint. The only SNMP monitoring product I've had any
experience with is Edge Lite
Edge Lite will show utilization at the P50 but does not provide info about
anything else. Hope this helps, let me know if you find something better.
Scott Starbuck               Aobe Network Group
Shaun Hope wrote:

> We are using a P50 with a dedicated dual-channel ISDN connection to our
> ISP for web hosting.  We have been experiencing some complaints about
> site speed during peak times and are trying to determine if it is a
> processor bottleneck (we don't think so), an ISDN bottleneck, or an
> internet or ISP bottleneck.
> Is there a way to periodically (once a minute, once every 5 sec) log the
> inbound and outbound traffic packet counts so that we can determine our
> bandwidth usage, peaks, graphs, etc?
> I'm a relative "newbie" to wide-area networking, so I am not that
> familiar with what SNMP, syslogd, etc. can or cannot provide.
> We are running a fully NT environment at the present time.
> Any suggestions on what we can do (if anything) to log this information,
> or other suggestions on how we can determine if our "pipe" to the
> internet is clogged, I would appreciate it.
> Shaun Hope
> Studon Business Solutions Inc.
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