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Re: (ASCEND) Re-iterate: 6.1.3 does NOT fix IP address pool leak

On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, John Coy ( wrote:

> I hope someone at Ascend is reading this - fire the people
> testing the code before it is released and get someone in there
> that can do the job and do it right!

Oh, but this is the NEW Ascend and it's NEW testing procedure which should
result in crystal clean code with no problems!  *hrumph*  *smirk*

Did anyone notice that they no longer use x.yypzz numbering?  I suppose they
didn't want to indicate how long a problem was continuing (5.0A patch week
#51, hey, we finally got something stable!  Now lets go make some buggy 6.x

-- Frustrated MAX admin with users breathing down his back about v.90 and
   explaining to them that our RAS vendor, Ascend, can't seem to get a
   stable v.90 release out.

Chris A. Epler - K4UNX - ESInet System Admin - (804) 974-7308
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