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Re: (ASCEND) Pending 195 list

First, a small primer on the modems and avm:

When a modem on a slot card gets up to 8 consecutive bad calls (a bad
call would be classified as a call which never made it to carrier detect
state), the Max will place this modem in a suspect list.  Suspect
doesn't mean the modem is disabled, but rather it's in a last priority
to be used list.  So if all the other modems are in use, then it will
try and route analog calls to any modems on the suspect list.  If the
modem in the suspect list happens to answer a call successfully, then it
will be taken out of suspect status and into the regular pool of free
modems; otherwise, it remains in the suspect list and just racks up
another bad call.

Now on with the discussion:

Somewhere around 6.0.x, they added a new Warning number (195) to the
code.  When too many modems got on the suspect list on a modem card, the
Max would internally reset the modem card and log a Warning 195 (you
probably see these sometimes in your Max).  The problem is, sometimes it
would cause the whole Max to reset if other modems were still in use at
the same time (I believe that's what caused the reset, but I'm not 100%
sure).  So what they did at some point (I can't remember when it was
introduced), was add something new to the code to put modems on a
pending 195 list.  Now, the Max would wait till all the good modems on
that card were free before it would reset the card.  This fixes the
reboot problem.

What you need to do is investigate why the modems get on the suspect
list in the first place.  If you consistently get a lot of bad calls,
you should check your T1 lines and see if you have a line problem.  If
they look like they're running clean, then constantly issue the "avm"
command now and then and see if the same modem on a particular slot card
is going on the suspect list (or getting a lot of bad calls).  If it's
the same modem all the time, then I would think you have a bad modem and
need to RMA the card.  If it's always a different modem, then I think it
might just be a line problem.

I've asked this question before, but received no response but I'm trying

again. When you do an "avm" (pre 8.0) or "lanport modem" (post 8.0),
is a header in the modem list called "Pending 195 list".

Does anyone know what this list is?  When it starts putting modems in
list, they stop answering calls.  The only way I can get them to start
answering is to reboot the Max.

This is happening to my 6000 boxes when I downgrade back to 7.2.4.
about 24 hours, it starts putting modems in this list.

- Del

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